Sunday, October 30, 2011

ScolioTrack App Review

Image courtesy of  148Apps
Scoliosis is a degenerative condition affecting your spine and all the related regions and functions. To keep its development under control and better assess your progress even in absence of a doctor you can use ScolioTrack for an on the spot assessment. It works just like a scoliometer, the tool used by doctors to assess the curvature of your spine, and, in between visits to your physician you will be able to know how you are. The advantage to you is immeasurable, there is no x-ray to bombard your body with poisonous radiation and, in the comfort of your own home or even on the road you will have the tools to give yourself an examination.
The app has been developed with insight into the condition provided by Dr. Kevin Lau, an expert in the field of scoliosis and other spine degenerative conditions. His book regarding the subject, which has been translated to 6 other languages attests to his specialty in the field and makes him furthermore able to give his insight into the matter.
The app itself is very easy to use and very handy. By using the integrated accelerometer and the camera of the iPhone, you will easily get readings of the ATR (angle of trunk rotation) and of the overall progression of your spine condition. The readings are then compared, depending on your age, height and body weight to a normal model and saved for further analysis. While monthly check-ups are recommended, you can perform the reading at any time you see fit. The new readings will be compared to the former ones and, thus, you will know at all times how much progress you have made.
The readings themselves are organized chronologically, can be visualized without having complex medical knowledge and are really easy to follow. They can even be used by doctors, and the input provided is really worthwhile. Another benefit of using the app lies in the constant updates and the news feeds that are provided along side with the basic functionality. You will get specialized tips to better aid you in perfecting your treatment and all sort of scoliosis related information.
The app can also be used by a number of users looking to monitor their spine curvatures. The app will then save information for more than just one user. As such, it is also a good tool for healthy individuals who want to see how well positioned their spine is. Due to the fact that teenagers will grow faster and that a good position for their spine is desired in those critical years, the app is a good way for parents to monitor the development of their kids.
In conclusion the ScolioTrack app does exactly what it promises to do. It turns your iPhone into a medical device that will track your spinal development. It is great in the hands of patient as well as in the hands of people who are interested in the well being of themselves or of their children. It is well balanced, easy to use and, also, a great tool to get scoliosis related information simply and without hassle. It’s easy to recommend.


cellurl said...

Did you write the scoliosis app? Looks real clean. I wrote the speed limit app I am about to rudely describe '-)

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Dr Kevin Lau said...

Thnx for the review!

Check out the ScolioTrack website for a tutorial demo and also to learn more about the iPad and Android version of ScolioTrack.