Cold boot:

I can’t help if you’ll find this post harsh, because reality does bite and this is my first post ever, so I have no idea on how to speak the truth concealing it within velvet envelopes. What I intended originally (explaining the tech stuff behind Tablet PCs) received a major setback the day my sweetheart complained me on my weird choice of buying a TV so small (
“Your eyes will give away, you understand?”) and it was my Apple iPad MB292LL/A Tablet. Ever since, I have decided keeping tech stuff to myself; the world first has to know about what is what. I thank God for not showing me the day she would think it as a high-tech platter (that it is, but on a different context altogether). But what is the tablet PC, anyway?
Hazard warning
The tablet-PCs are absolute disasters for clueless computer users reluctant to use even a bit of common sense. Whether there are higher numbers getting sold nowadays for people trying to hide their lack of the same is a different question, but fact remains it is not just because the geeks going gaga! It is because people have always fancied getting things done at the thought of it and the Tablet PC does it. Well, almost; so it’s no surprise these tablets are giving the world its much-required dose.
Tablets vs. PCs

Now, isn’t that too much of a prophecy? We know not yet what marvels may show up by mid- or by the end of year 2011, still, with every pair of eyes (and they do not belong alone to gadget freaks) now set on the tablets, it seems they are going to stay the show-stealers this year, much like what laptops enjoyed in 2008 and the following couple of years. They were the technological advancements of the time; yet, with the convenience and the versatile usefulness, tablet PC-s are bound to break any former barriers the laptops had set. And one of them is undoubtedly the power usage; we may expect tablet pc–s that shall use more than 90% of less energy than what desktops consume.
Tapping Tablet sales
iPad from Apple make the others look bleak in comparison; it currently occupies 84% of the total sales of tablets globally, which roughly translates to 7.1 million units and heading towards 12.9 million by the time 2011 gets half-a-year old. IDC (International Data Corp) seems extra hopeful; according to them: by 2014 (i.e. if the world exists; aren’t we afraid about 2012?) the count shall exceed 46 million units, citing a straightaway 57.4% growth annually.
Think before you go ‘Tab’
Being sleek and smart is not a reason behind investing on a tablet; sure, it makes a fabulous accessory (expect at least a dozen pretty girls asking you about it) but for that purpose, there are many things that much of money can buy. So, if you:
· Don’t have long fingernails,
· Looking for the missing link between laptops and smart-phones,
· Know how to operate both -
-then a tablet PC is for you. The style statement comes free if you answered “Yes” to all the above points. Whether it will turn you into a snob or not is a different question altogether. I guess not; that it doesn’t offer a calling facility or allow extra memory is sure to curb any of that feeling you might get while deciding on your dream gadget.