Friday, September 20, 2013

Catch the best with Dogcatcher

If you take long hours to reach your office or any other destination, then this android application is for your amusement. It has received the title of the “best podcast manager”. You can make use of free trials to check the amazing features, as this app will need you to splurge few dollars. However, it is worth the amount of money you spend on this podcast player. For all the music enthusiasts, this one app will really make you groove!


What makes it awesome?

When there are numerous apps in the music world starting with the renowned iTunes, only the distinct features make any app the coolest of all!  It is among the grand featuring apps of android. This exciting app not only supports the audio-video podcasts, but also downloads the new occurrences on a daily basis or according to your need. The configuration of this podcast is such that it can download if you are using your mobile or not, if there is a Wi-Fi connection, it will automatically download whatever you want to subscribe.

You can either put in your own list or import it from other podcasts like GoogleListen or OPML. It has its own big directory from where you can select a variety of shows. Along with these features, it also incorporates alterable speed playback. Based on your subscription, it will enlist the podcasts that you may interest you.

You can even use the playback in the absence of net connectivity. This app also gives you the power to decide the number of lists you want to download or store on your SD card. In addition, you can also create virtual feeds as well as RSS feeds. It has the best user community and actively responds to your feature demands.

Pros and cons of this app

Every app has certain advantages as well as disadvantages. What goes for human beings goes for the apps too! No app is perfect, though the reasons are completely different! The technology is moving at a rapid speed, every second marks the birth of some innovative idea that will make things better for you. One app may have features that were missing in the previous one. The best app of a particular time is the one that covers all the missing points and is user friendly.

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The best thing for a user is to go with the technology because they are for his or her advantage. Along with the exciting features of this flexible app, it meets the requests of the user and is easy to comprehend as well as use. You can download your favorite episodes and enjoy them on your Smartphone or tablet. The best part is that it supports any version of android so do not worry if your phone is age old! The key point is that it should have android mobile operating system.

As far as the disadvantage goes, obviously, the high cost is one of the major factors and then the inability to manage failed downloads. Moreover, this app has tough competitors in the market and most of them are free to download. The good news is that it is still in the process of adapting the current changes in technology, which will help in its stability and more demand. 

Download Link:- Click Here


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