Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The 3D-Toting G-Slate to be sold by T-Mobile


T-Mobile is looking to get into the tablet industry by teaming up with LG. This is a partnership where T-Mobile is going to sell the LG G-Slate. This is a device that I am interested in because it features a unique type of functionality that is different from what I have seen with other LG devices. The big thing that the G-Slate uses comes from how it can work with shooting 3D videos. This is used to make it easier for anyone to create more unique and attractive videos.

The 3D equation

The 3D that is used on the G-Slate is a great feature to see. This works with a series of different panels that are used to create 3D images with ease. 3D glasses are also included in the set to help make it easier for people to view 3D images with. The fact that the screen for these videos and images is 8.9 inches in size and can handle HD images is also very impressive.

Two cameras are used

The two cameras that the device uses are different in terms of how they can work. The back camera works with HD controls. The front is a smaller one that can be used for videoconferencing.

The Honeycomb OS is used

A big part of the device is the Honeycomb operating system. This is a new Android system that is used with tablets in mind. This is used to help create a good sense of competition between LG and Apple.

Some competition

It should be noted that the release of the G-Slate is going to be right alongside the release of the Dell Streak 7, another Android tablet that T-Mobile is going to sell. This device is a little less than $200 in value. This is less than the G-Slate but the G-Slate will still be useful because it can involve more functions for different needs.

Of course, this new device from T-Mobile and LG is just one of the many different new devices that are being used to help compete against Apple. It is tough to determine whether or not anyone can truly take over Apple in the tablet world. However, I feel that if T-Mobile does a good job with promoting this new device from LG that it may have a shot at trying to take over the world of tablets. It will take a while to see if it can work but you can never tell what could happen out of it.

1 comment:

lisa said...

i personally have heard a lot about T Mobile.. well established brand..!!