Monday, February 28, 2011

A Homeless Man Finds His Long Lost Daughter via Twitter

I am amazed at the ways how Twitter is being used like other social media sites to help bring people together. One of the most interesting things about Twitter is that many people are using it as a means of trying to get in touch with people that they have been looking for. One such big name case involved a homeless man in New York who used Twitter as a means of finding his daughter who he had been separated from for more than a decade.

What went down

Daniel Morales is a man who was living on the streets of New York and was in a shelter for homeless people in the city. He was given the chance to use Twitter to communicate with people and used it to find his daughter.

What happened was that he divorced from his wife eleven years ago. He pretty much assumed that he would never see his daughter, Sarah Rivera, ever again. He eventually stopped looking for her after a while.

A charitable act

Unheard, a New York charity group that provides mobile phones to homeless people, were able to guide Morales to learn how to use Twitter and use it to handle different kinds of communications. This included knowing how to work with such a device like a mobile phone.

He then posted information on his Twitter page about how to contact him and who his daughter was along with a picture. Rivera eventually found out about this and then finally met up with Morales. They were since able to reunite at last. They are now back together again after being apart for so long.

A bigger meaning

I feel that this heartwarming story shows that social media can be used for more than just communicating with other people or informing people about different things. It can also be used to help create a human connection that is very difficult for people to break off. this connection is one that shows how even people who are separated for long periods of time can still get back together even when it feels that nothing good is ever going to come out of anything.

This is a real benefit that shows just how valuable social media can be. It can involve many personal points that vary by each person but can work in its own unique ways to help keep anyone in touch with other people without worrying about losing anyone over time.

Contest Questions:-

1)      What is the name of the man who finds her daughter?

2)      Name of the social Networking site which helped the man find her daughter?


mar said...

Daniel Morales


Gizmo-King said...

All comments would be moderated and published on Friday as mentioned in " Terms and Conditions " !!

Unknown said...

1- His name was Daniel Morales.
2- Twitter was the social Networking site which helped the man in finding her daughter.

WonderWall said...

1) What is the name of the man who finds her daughter?

Ans. Daniel Morales

2) Name of the social Networking site which helped the man find her daughter?

Ans. Twitter

Unknown said...



rulens said...

Question 1 answer: The man's name is Daniel Morales
Question 2 answer: The social networking site he used is Twitter.

Anonymous said...

Question 1 answer: The man's name is Daniel Morales
Question 2 answer: The social networking site he used is Twitter.

Aman said...

Ans#1. Daniel Morales
Ans#2. Twitter

Anonymous said...

Daniel Morales